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Research groups
The Hubrecht Institute is performing cutting-edge research in the field of developmental and stem cell biology in order to contribute to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of for example cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and genetic diseases.
The Hubrecht Institute was open for the public on the 7th of October 2018 for the Weekend of Science, to show you the most recent finding in stem cell research. This Day in the Cell was a great success with over 700 visitors and 130 employees. The first visitors started to arrive early, well before 11.00. From the moment the event was officially open, people queued in front of the cell. They could put their head inside a huge cell for a one-minute light and sound show that illustrates what happens in a cell. Read more about the Day in the Cell via this link.
The Weekend of Science is a national event, organized yearly by science museum NEMO and the ministry of Education, Culture & Science (OCW) on the first weekend of October. The exact program will be published in the summer via NEMOkennislink.
The science festival Expeditie NEXT on May 2nd, initiated by Dutch funding organization NWO, was a great success. The aim of the festival was to spark curiosity in children between the ages of 8 and 14 and let them experience science. Among the over 100 booths at the festival were two booths from the Hubrecht Institute, one of which in collaboration with the Princes Máxima Center for pediatric oncology. The young scientists-to-be experimented with making growth medium for organoids and saw the development of real zebrafish embryos under the microscope. Read more about Expeditie NEXT here.
After a successful visit in 2018, the Hubrecht Institute again welcomed students from various high schools for a one-day master class on organoids: ‘Growing Organs in the Lab’ in January 2019. Participants of the U-Talent program could get acquainted with all aspects of scientific research – from working with organoids in the lab to discussing the ethical consequences of this technology as a diagnosis tool.
U-Talent is program to stimulate the development in the natural sciences in high school students. Motivated and talented students from secondary grades come to Utrecht University every year to take part in activities that show them wider vistas and applications of science subjects. In this program, Utrecht University cooperates with a number of regional schools. The Hubrecht Institute is proud to be part of this program and will participate next year again.