Kind: Developmental epigenomics

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The Kind group uses a combination of single-cell genomics and microscopy methods to study the role of chromatin and epigenetics in gene-regulation control, with a focus on early mouse embryonic development and tumorigenesis.

The aim of the lab is to understand the principles governing cellular decision-making. We are interested in how cells acquire new identities and traits in lineage specification events in mice and in cancer. To this end we employ and continuously develop novel single-cell technologies to delineate these processes with high sensitivity and accuracy.

Key words: Single-cell genomics, epigenetics, spatial genome organization, bioinformatics, gene-regulation, embryogenesis, tumorigenesis

Key publications View all publications

Nature Methods 21:72–82


Single-cell profiling of transcriptome and histone modifications with EpiDamID

Rang FJ, de Luca, KL, de Vries SS [...] Kimura H, Bakkers J and Kind J

Molecular Cell 82: 1-15


Nature Protocols 6:1922-1953.


Nature Biotechnology 37:766-772


Genome–lamina interactions are established de novo in the early mouse embryo

Borsos M, Perricone SM [...] Torres-Padilla M and Kind J

Nature 569: 429-433


Curr Opin Genet Dev 55:19-25


Genome-wide maps of nuclear lamina interactions in single human cells.

Kind J, Pagie L [...] van Oudenaarden A and van Steensel B

Cell 163: 134-147.


Single-cell dynamics of genome-nuclear lamina interactions.

Kind J, Pagie L [...] Bickmore WA and van Steensel B

Cell 153: 178-192.


Cell 133: 813-828.


Group leader

Jop Kind

Jop Kind is group leader at the Hubrecht Institute, professor by special appointment of Single Cell Epigenomics at the Radboud University Nijmegen and Investigator at Oncode Institute. His group is interested in elucidating the role of chromatin and nuclear architecture in gene-regulation and DNA-repair. The Kind group develops new techniques, such as the recently developed DamID and m6ATracer techniques. These techniques enable them to study genome architecture and protein-DNA interactions in high resolution in single cells. The Kind group uses these techniques to study the role of genome architecture and chromatin context in temporal and spatial control of gene expression in development and disease.

Scientific training and positions


Group members

Jop Kind

Group Leader

Sandra de Vries


Carla Kroon-Veenboer


Isabel Guerreiro

Senior Researcher

Christian Valdes


Robin van der Weide


Moritz Bauer


Isabel Sierra


Carlota Davo Martinez


Samy Kefalopoulou

PhD Student

Pim Rullens

PhD Student

Hidde Verhage

PhD Student

Marta Moreno Gonzalez

PhD Student

Lisa Sackmann

PhD Student

Fieke Verhaaf

PhD Student

Michelle Robers

PhD Student

Jari van Diermen

PhD Student

Kim de Luca


Show all group members

We are always on the lookout for enthousiastic colleagues. If you are interested, please contact Jop Kind.
