13 January 2015 Research grants for Jeroen Bakkers and Eva van Rooij Back to news Two researchers from the Hubrecht Institute received a research grant from CVON. CVON (Cardiovascular Research Netherlands) is a collaboration between the Heart Foundation, NFU, KNAW and ZonMW. Dr. Eva van Rooij receives her grant to develop a new method to enhance cardiac delivery for new therapies to repair the heart during disease. For this project van Rooij collaborates with Patricia Dankers from the TU Eindhoven. The ultimate goal of the researchers is that the new method they will develop, contributes to an effective and safe healing of the heart after a heart attack, without the occurrence of unpleasant side-effects. Dr. Ir. Jeroen Bakkers received his grant for researching the genetic background of congenital heart diseases. Most people with a congenital heart disease, who receive surgery as a child, develop complications later in life. The goal of this research is to be able to give young heart patients a better insight into possible risks of complications in later life. Bakkers performs this research together with Prof. Dr. Connie Bezzina from the AMC Amsterdam.