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The Hubrecht Imaging Center ensures high performance and optimal use of the advanced imaging equipment at the Hubrecht Institute by testing periodically and optimizing all systems, training of new researchers and providing support to advanced imaging experiments.
For any inquiries about our microscopes, please contact the Hubrecht Imaging Center (HIC).
Leica AF7000 Fluorescence microscope Fluorescence, DIC and Phase Contrast imaging, live cell imaging
Leica Thunder live Imager Fluorescence imaging, live cell imaging, high resolution imaging
Leica Thunder Fix Imager Fluorescence imaging, high resolution imaging
Deltavision DV Elite Fluorescence microscope Fluorescence imaging, high resolution imaging
Olympus VS200 slide scanner Brightfield and fluorescence imaging
Nikon TiE microscope Fluorescence and DIC imaging, Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, live cell imaging
Leica SPE Confocal Microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, spectral detection, Live cell imaging
Leica SP5 confocal/ MP Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, spectral detection, FRET, FRAP, intravital imaging, high speed imaging
Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, spectral detection, live cell imaging
Leica SP8X Confocal Microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, spectral detection, Live cell imaging, white light laser
Leica SP8-MP Confocal Microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, spectral detection, live cell imaging
Leica stellaris8 STED/Falcon(FLIM) Microscope Live cell imaging, super resolution 30nm, spectral detection, high resolution imaging, FLIM
Zeiss LSM780 confocal microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, live cell imaging
Zeiss LSM880 + Airyscan, confocal microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, spectral detection, live cell imaging, super resolution 120nm
Zeiss LSM900 + Airyscan2 confocal microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, live cell imaging, super resolution 120nm
Zeiss LSM980 + Airyscan2 confocal microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, spectral detection, live cell imaging, super resolution 120nm
Zeiss X1 spinning disk microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, live cell imaging
Zeiss Axio observer 7 ai, apotome 2, Fluorescence microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, fixed, ai sample detection, Fluorescence imaging, high resolution imaging, optical sectioning with apotome 2, colibri 7
Nikon/Andor W1 spinning disk microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, live cell imaging
Nikon/Andor X1 spinning disk microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, high speed live cell imaging, FRET, FRAP
2 x Nikon Ti2 X1 spinning disk microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, high speed live cell imaging, FRAP
Nikon-Crest Ti2 spinning disk microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, high speed live cell imaging, large field of view
VisiTech VT-iSIM supper resolution microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, super resolution 120nm, live cell imaging
Leica/Viventis LS1 lightsheet microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, high speed live cell imaging, sensitive imaging
Luxendo MuVi SPIM lightsheet microscope Multi-channel 3-D acquisition, high speed live cell imaging, sensitive imaging
Luxendo InVi SPIM lightsheet microscope Multi-channel 4-D acquisition, high speed live cell imaging, sensitive imaging
Mainz Coloview (Fluorescence) colonoscopic imaging
PerkinElmer IVIS-SPECTRUM 2D and 3D bioluminescence, fluorescence imaging, spectral ummixing