About Us
Research groups
If you are interested to keep informed about the activities from the foundation, there is a possibility to become a “Friend”. Information will be send to you by mail. To become a Friend, you can contact us via vrienden@hubrecht.eu or +31 (0)30 212 1849.
New on our website is the category Sponsors. If you own a company and see opportunities to support us in any way, we were very thankful. To become a Sponsor, you can contact us via vrienden@hubrecht.eu or +31 (0)30 212 1849.
If you are very enthusiastic and wanted to share your knowledge and passion to realize the goal of the foundation? Then there is an opportunity to become (young) Ambassador.
As an Ambassador you are willing to spend time to invest in the foundation and help them reach their goal. Examples of your activities will be: working out ideas, networking, fundraising and event organization.
To become an Ambassador, you can contact us via vrienden@hubrecht.eu or +31 (0)30 212 1849.
To continue and improve the research on the Hubrecht Institute it is important to raise extra money from donators or sponsors. Do you have an idea, or would you like the foundation as a charity or sponsor event? Please contact us via vrienden@hubrecht.eu or +31 (0)30 212 1849.