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The Hubrecht Colleges are given in simple language, so that everyone can easily understand. In addition, there is some space reserved for questions from the audience. The Hubrecht College is always a successful way to give the “friends” of the Foundation and other interested parties a little look about the work that is done in the Hubrecht Institute. You can register yourself as a friend by sending a mail to vrienden@hubrecht.eu. After that you will automatically receive invitations for our special events.
In collaboration with ABN-AMRO MeesPierson, the following theme was launched: “Understanding Cells, one by one”, which was presented by professor Alexander van Oudenaarden. He also won the NWO Spinoza Prize this year, which is a fantastic prize and honor for a scientist. During the Hubrecht College, his new methods and techniques (sequences) were discussed, in which a functioning cell is examined and how a single cell behaves. Using this technique, errors in the DNA can be detected earlier. This technique directly influences the development of diseases, for example breast cancer. Other than usual, a crowdfunding project was started this year to raise money for a new robot. This robot takes over human actions and also performs them more accurate. More information about how you can contribute to this project can be found on www.doorzettenhelpt.nl or under projects.