Credit: Thijs Rooimans

3 October 2023

Hubrecht Institute directorship handed over: a conversation with Alexander van Oudenaarden and Geert Kops

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On 1 September 2023, Alexander van Oudenaarden handed over the directorship of the Hubrecht Institute to Geert Kops. During a festive gathering on 7 September, Alexander was thanked for his directorship and handed over the inkwell of Ambrosius Hubrecht to Geert Kops, to welcome him as the new institute director. One month later, Alexander van Oudenaarden looks back on his directorship and Geert Kops looks ahead to the future.

Alexander van Oudenaarden: looking back on 11 years of directorship

Portrait image of Alexander van Oudenaarden
Let’s start at the beginning. How did your directorship at the Hubrecht Institute start?

“I started as director in 2012, but before that I had already been at the Hubrecht Institute during a sabbatical in 2007. I was a professor at MIT in America at the time, where you get a leave of absence every six years, during which you do not need to teach. During that period, I had already done research here for almost a year. I really liked that, so that was a very good introduction to the institute. Once back in America, my wife and I started to think about whether we would rather have our children grow up in the Netherlands. So then I talked to Hans Clevers about the possibilities in the Netherlands and he said: ‘Maybe you would like to become the scientific director of the Hubrecht.’ Well, I really liked that, I was very honored. So then I thought about it a lot and came here a few more times to learn a little more. And in the end, I decided to do it. But just before I was to come to the Netherlands, Hans called me and said: ‘I have good news: I will become president of the KNAW. This does mean that I can no longer be director of the institute. So I had promised you that you would become scientific director, but I hereby promote you to institute director.’ Of course, I did not expect that. I thought: ‘Wow, that’s a lot of responsibility all at once. But well, we have already sold our house, I have already quit my job, so we are not going to turn back now.’ So then I just took the plunge.”

Geert Kops: what will the future bring?

Portrait image of Geert Kops
Geert Kops is director of the Hubrecht Institute, group leader, professor of Molecular Tumor Cell Biology at the University Medical Center Utrecht and Oncode Investigator.
Before we look ahead to the future, let’s first take a quick look back. You have been a group leader at the Hubrecht Institute for eight years now. How did you end up here at the time?

“I think it was early 2014 when I contacted the Hubrecht Institute. At that time, I had been at the UMC Utrecht with my group for almost ten years and I am someone who wants something new every now and then. When I talked to people at the Hubrecht, I really noticed how genuinely enthusiastic about science they were. The conversations I had here made me very enthusiastic because they showed a pure curiosity about how things work, about the really fundamental stuff. I find that very inspiring. My own research does deal with cancer and developmental disorders, for example, but is always based on fundamental insights. And of course, the Hubrecht is an absolute top institute, with very diverse research groups and technologies. At the same time, it is quite small, which gave me the feeling that you can really get to know the people and build collaborations with everyone within the institute. That combination was the deciding factor for me. I thought: ‘This must be a super nice place to do science with your group.’ So I moved to the Hubrecht in 2015.”